jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012

YounG LearnerS Routines

It’s very important to always begin and end your lesson in the same way each time. The more children are familiar with class routines the easier they are to manage.
  • At the beginning of your lesson you may have to take a register. This will provide you with a perfect opportunity to install calm before starting the lesson. Otherwise you can make up your own opening routines.
  • You could have a ‘hello song’ which the teddies sing to the children and then the children sing it to the teddies.
  • Ask everyone to get their books and a pen out and to put their bags under the table before you start the lesson.
  • Make sure all your papers are ready before the children come into the classroom so you can properly give them your undivided attention. If they are in the room before you then make your entrance as quickly as possible, lay out your materials without completely turning your back on the class and begin the class always with the same greeting.
  • At the end of the lesson you could have a ‘goodbye song’ or simply a mini-conversation ‘Thank you. See you next week. Have a good week.’ Where the children repeat what you say. Get them to be quiet before saying this farewell and they will soon understand what they have to do at the end of each lesson. Don’t just run out of a rowdy class at the end!

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